HESI A2 Practice Test

Prepare for your test with realistic questions.

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Click the “Start Test” button at the top of this page to begin our free HESI practice test! These HESI practice questions will give you a better idea of what to study for your exam.

HESI A2 Checklists

Knowing exactly what to spend your time studying isn’t always easy. To help you study effectively and efficiently, we’ve compiled a free checklist that breaks down the essential topics you need to cover for each section of the exam, making it easy to track your progress!

Click below to start keeping track of your progress and focusing your studying on the topics that really matter.

A selection of HESI Exam checklists focusing on math, anatomy, physiology, grammar, chemistry, biology, and more, displayed in an organized layout with checkboxes and topics.

HESI Practice Tests by Subject

If you need some extra practice in a specific subject, click one of the subjects below to get started on a subject-specific HESI practice test.

Good luck with your studying!

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HESI A2 Outline

The HESI A2 exam contains seven subtests, which are outlined below.

An infographic outlining the HESI A2 Exam sections: Mathematics (55 questions), Reading Comprehension (50), Vocabulary (50), Grammar (50), Biology (30), Chemistry (30), Anatomy and Physiology (30).

It’s important to note that you will most likely not be required to take every subtest on this list.

Depending on your program, you may only need to take the Mathematics, Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, and Grammar subtests. Some schools may ask you to take the Biology and Anatomy & Physiology subtests as well, but the Chemistry subtest is rarely ever required. Check with the administrators of the school you are applying to for more information.

Taking HESI Practice Tests

Smart Study Strategies

Your success on the HESI depends on how you study, not just how much.

Regularly checking your progress is important, and HESI A2 practice tests are a fantastic way to do this. Practice tests are useful because they show exactly where you need to improve.

Every time you take a free HESI practice test, pay close attention to these three types of questions:

  • ❌ The questions you answered incorrectly
  • 🤔 The questions you guessed on (even if you happened to guess correctly)
  • ⌛ The questions that felt challenging or took you a long time to answer

For each question, ask yourself why it was difficult. Did you not fully grasp the underlying concept? Do you need more practice with similar questions to improve your speed and build confidence? Are you having trouble with the vocabulary? Use these questions to figure out how to strengthen those knowledge gaps as you revisit the material.

Understanding the “Why”

Many HESI practice tests offer a quick explanation for each correct answer. While reading these can be helpful, remember that they usually only touch on a portion of the broader context. Even if an explanation seems to make sense, explore all related concepts until you’re confident you have a complete understanding.

Comprehension, Not Memorization

Remember, practice tests are just that—practice. These questions won’t be on the actual test, so memorizing them won’t do you much good.

If you only know the right answers to the sample questions, you won’t be prepared for the real thing. Instead, focus on studying the underlying concepts until you truly understand them. This will help you tackle any question the real test throws your way.

Check Out Mometrix's HESI A2 Study Guide

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HESI A2 Online Prep Course

If you want to be fully prepared, Mometrix offers an online HESI prep course designed to give you everything you need to succeed!

Here’s what you’ll find in the HESI A2 course:

  • 80+ Review Lessons Covering Every Topic
  • Over 3,200 HESI A2 Practice Questions
  • 170+ Video Tutorials
  • More than 550 Digital Flashcards
  • Money-back Guarantee
  • Mobile Access

Everyone learns differently, so we’ve tailored the HESI online prep course to ensure every learner has what they need to prepare for the HESI exam.

Click below to check it out!

Practice Strategies

When you’re ready to start taking practice tests, follow this strategy:

  • Remove Limitations. Take the first test with no time constraints and with your notes and HESI study guide handy. Take your time and focus on applying the strategies you’ve learned.
  • Time Yourself. Take the second practice test “open book” as well, but set a timer and practice pacing yourself to finish in time.
  • Simulate Test Day. Take any other practice tests as if it were test day. Set a timer and put away your study materials. Sit at a table or desk in a quiet room, imagine yourself at the testing center, and answer questions as quickly and accurately as possible.
  • Keep Practicing. Keep taking practice tests on a regular basis until you run out of practice tests or it’s time for the actual test. Your mind will be ready for the schedule and stress of test day, and you’ll be able to focus on recalling the material you’ve learned.

If you need additional instruction, check out the Mometrix flashcards and study guide which includes additional practice tests. These invaluable resources include a risk-free, 1-year 100% money-back guarantee. Repetition and practice are key to adequate preparation.

Check Out Mometrix's HESI A2 Flashcards

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Are the NCLEX and HESI the same?


No, these are two different exams with two different purposes. The HESI A2 evaluates your academic readiness for nursing school and is often used to predict how well you will do on the NCLEX. The NCLEX is what you take to become a licensed nurse once you graduate nursing school.


Who makes HESI?


The HESI exams are designed by Elsevier.


What is the HESI exam?


The HESI exam is an entrance exam for nursing school. It’s goal is to test your knowledge in various academic areas as a predictor for how well you will do in nursing school.


Is the HESI exam hard?


Yes, the HESI is generally considered to be a difficult test. How well you do depends on your own college readiness and how much studying you do beforehand.


How long is the HESI exam?


The length of the exam changes from school to school, depending on their requirements. It could last anywhere from 2 to 6 hours.


How many questions are on the HESI A2?


The number of questions depends on how many subject areas you’re tested on. Generally, the full test contains about 250-300 questions.


What does HESI stand for?


HESI stands for Health Education Systems, Inc.


What is the HESI Exit exam?


The HESI Exit exam is what you take in order to predict your success on the NCLEX exam.


Can you use a calculator on the HESI?


You are allowed to use a calculator on the HESI exam. However, you cannot bring your own. There will be a digital calculator available on-screen.

By Kate Nockunas

Kate has been Mometrix’s Nursing and Medical Editor for over four years. She has a bachelor’s degree in Communications from Vanderbilt University, a bachelor’s degree in Nursing from Marymount University, and a master’s degree in Education from Johns Hopkins. Kate is a critical care registered nurse who still works occasionally in the ICU and PACU.

HESI is a registered trademark of Elsevier Inc., which was not involved in the production of and does not endorse this content.


by Mometrix Test Preparation | Last Updated: February 11, 2025