Scientific Observations

When conducting scientific experiments, observations are made through our senses. If you’re conducting a scientific experiment, you notice or observe what’s going on through your senses. Now, this is usually going to be with your sense of sight, but, depending on the experiment, you may be able to incorporate your other senses.

That’s what it means to observe during a scientific experiment. It means to notice what’s going on through your senses, but, more specifically, we can define observation as the act of knowing and recording something.

This has to do with both the act of knowing what’s going on, and then recording what happened. It’s important for a scientist to record what goes on during the experiment, so the experiment doesn’t have to be conducted over and over and over again.

To use this definition of observation, we could say that the scientist is observing what’s going on in the experiment. The scientist is noticing what’s going on through his/her senses, and then the scientist is recording what happened.

Now, the second definition of observation is the results or record of such notation. We don’t use this definition of observation while the experiment is taking place. We would use this definition of observation, as in, “Let’s take a look at the observations the scientists made.”

This is what happens after the experiment is finished and people go back and look at the observations made by the scientists. This is more of a noun. The observations were made by the scientists.

Again, one definition is the act of noting and recording something, and then the second definition is the results or record of such notation.



by Mometrix Test Preparation | Last Updated: July 27, 2023