Praxis Core Tests

Everything you need to know to ace the test.

The Praxis Core tests, also referred to as the Core Academic Skills for Educators (CASE), are comprehensive assessments developed for individuals who are pursuing a career in education. Administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS), Praxis tests evaluate your knowledge in various academic subjects under College and Career Readiness Standards (CCR) and Common Core State Standards (CCSS).

This page will cover the Praxis Core tests, what information the tests cover, the number and type of questions you can expect, the score you need to pass, and everything you need to register.

What’s on the Praxis Core Tests?

The Praxis Core tests are computerized exams that will assess your skills in three areas: Reading, Mathematics, and Writing. Combined, there are 152 questions and two essays, and it will take a total of 5 hours to complete all three tests.

Reading (56 questions)

The Praxis Core Reading test will test your ability to read, summarize, and express your opinion about a provided passage. The subject matter will come from real-life situations. The passages will come from different mediums, both electronic and print, such as newspapers, magazines, novels, and videos. You will be asked questions about the content of the passage, and you will not be required to have knowledge or provide information from outside of the passage.

The questions on this test are all selected-response questions. These questions will either ask you to select answer options from a drop-down menu or select one or more sentences within the passage.

The Reading test is divided into three areas:

Key Ideas and Details (35%)
After you have carefully read the passage, you will be asked to identify and show understanding of the main theme; and analyze and explain how the details support the main theme. You will also be asked to note any inconsistencies or uncertainties you may come across in the author’s writing.

Craft, Structure, and Language Skills (30%)
After reading a passage, you will be asked to analyze the author’s chosen words, sentence structure, detail relationships, point of view, organization of theme development, and word context and nuances.

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas (35%)
You will be asked to analyze content presented in different media formats, both visual and textual. You will also be given two passages on the same topic. They will be presented in two different media formats and by two different authors. You will be asked to analyze the differences and comparables.

Writing (42 questions)

The Praxis Core writing test will test your understanding and usage of standard written English conventions.

There are 40 selected-response questions and two essay questions on this test. The selected-response questions will either ask you to select answer options from a drop-down menu or select one or more sentences within the passage. An essay question will ask you to write about your position on a given topic.

The Writing test of the Praxis Core exam is divided into two areas:

Text Types, Purposes, and Production (60%)
In this section, you will be asked to write an essay for argumentative and for informative writing. For your essays, you will need to support your opinions on provided topics using detailed evidence and information. You will show your ability to identify your audience, organize the development of your ideas, have a clear message, and use proper English standards.

Language and Research Skills for Writing (40%)
In this section, you will be tested on your English writing conventions skills. You will read a passage and then identify grammatical errors, improper sentence structure, incorrect word choice, and errors in mechanics (capitalization, punctuation). You will also show your ability to identify different types of research strategies apparent in the passage.

Mathematics (56 questions)

The Praxis Core Mathematics test focuses on key mathematical concepts and problem-solving. An on-screen calculator will be available, shown below.

onscreen calculator

There are two different question types on this test: selected-response and numeric entry. The selected-response questions will ask you to select one or more answer choices, while numerical entry questions will ask you to input a number as your answer with a provided answer box.

The Mathematics test of the Praxis Core is divided into three areas:

Number and Quantity (36%)
In this section, you will be tested on your basic understanding of integers, ratios, fractions, exponents, and quantities.

Data Interpretation and Representation, Statistics, and Probability (32%)
In this section, you will be tested on your ability to interpret data and show how it corresponds to graphs. You will then summarize, draw conclusions, and make decisions based on your conclusions.

Algebra and Geometry (32%)
In this section, you will be tested on your basic understanding of algebra and expressing understanding of different mathematical expressions, such as verbal/symbolic expressions/graphs. You will also be tested on your understanding and ability to analyze geometric shapes. You will draw and explain geometrical triangles, circles, surface area, volume, the Pythagorean Theorem, and modeling. Knowledge of US standard measurement and metric measurement is assumed.

test outlines for the Praxis Core tests, which contain a combine total of 154 questions and have a collective time limit of 5 hours

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Praxis Core Exam Registration

You can register for the Praxis Core Exams online or by mail, or by phone if you have an ETS online account:

  • For online registration, you can pay with a debit or credit card, or by PayPal. Once completed, print off your admission ticket and bring it with you to your test.
  • For mailing your registration, go to the ETS website and print and fill out the Test Authorization Voucher Request. In approximately three weeks, a voucher and registration instructions will be mailed to you.
  • For registration by telephone, you must be testing at a US Prometric Testing Center. Be sure to call at least three days before your desired test date. There is a $35 charge for calling, and you can pay with a debit or credit card.

You can register for one, two, or all three Praxis Core tests. Individually, the Reading, Writing, and Mathematics tests cost $90. If you register to take all three sections at one time, you can do so for $150.

The Educational Testing Service (ETS) has made the Praxis Core exams available year-round at Prometric Testing Centers. Some Prometric Testing Centers are situated in Sylvan Learning Centers, and in many colleges and universities. The Prometric Testing Centers are available in the US, Canada, and Puerto Rico.

Test Day

The regulations and procedures for test day at Prometric Testing Centers are very strict. If you do not follow the regulations and procedures you can be asked to leave and you won’t be able to take your Praxis Core exam.

Be at the Prometric Testing Center 30 minutes before your test is scheduled to begin. There are procedures to follow beforehand, and you must allow time for these. If you are late for your test, you will not be able to take it.

  • You must sign in before the test and sign out after the test.
  • Bring valid identification with you that has your photograph, signature, and your full name.
  • Electronic devices are not permitted in the test room. This includes phones, watches, and cameras. You will be assigned a locker for you to store your personal belongings during the test.
  • You cannot leave the test center building for the duration of the test.
  • You will be assigned your seat, and you cannot leave your seat during the test.
  • You will be provided paper and pen, even for computerized tests. Leave your personal paper and pens in your locker.

Primary Language is not English (PLNE)

The Praxis Core exams are available only in English. If English is not your first language, you may be able to register as a Primary Language is not English (PLNE) test-taker. This qualifies you to have a 50 percent extended testing time. Contact ETS to apply for this time extension. Check with your potential test centers as there may be some test center restrictions.

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How the Praxis Core Tests are Scored

Each correctly answered multiple-choice question is worth 1 point. You will not be penalized for guessing an answer, but an omitted answer will be graded the same as a wrong answer.

Constructed-response questions are graded very carefully by educated professionals who are supervised by and have been trained by ETS to ensure the essays are graded fairly and accurately. Two people will grade your essays on a point system from 1 to 6, and their combined scores will be your final essay mark.

Some versions of the Praxis Core tests are more difficult than others. Once your score has been totaled, it will be converted to a scaled score to allow for these differences in difficulty between test versions. Individual colleges determine their own passing grade. Check with your college to confirm your school’s passing grade.

You will receive an email when your scores are available for viewing on your ETS online account. This will be approximately two to three weeks after your test date. Also on your online account, you can list four of the institutions you would like to send your scores to. Your score report will stay on your online account for up to one year. Make a copy of your score report for your files.

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Praxis Core Online Prep Course

If you want to be fully prepared, Mometrix offers an online Praxis Core prep course designed to give you everything you need to succeed!

Here’s what you’ll find in the Praxis Core course:

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  • Over 1,500 Praxis Core Practice Questions
  • 250+ Video Tutorials
  • 550+ Digital Flashcards
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Everyone learns differently, so we’ve tailored the Praxis Core online prep course to ensure every learner has what they need to prepare for the Praxis Core exam.

Click below to check it out!


By Peter Rench

Peter Rench joined Mometrix in 2009 and serves as Vice President of Product Development, responsible for overseeing all new product development and quality improvements. Mr. Rench, a National Merit Scholar, graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and a minor in mathematics from Texas A&M University.


by Mometrix Test Preparation | Last Updated: September 28, 2024