Trigonometric Domain, Range and Asymptotes

Trigonometric Domain Range and Asymptotes

Domain is the set of all possible real number values of x on the graph of a trigonometric function.

So what you have if you have a trigonometric function and then under it you have all the possible real number values of x for that particular function that you have and then you can make a graph of all those numbers so you can see – get a big picture idea of all the possible real number values of x.

Now, some of these graphs impose limits on the values of x. Now, when it comes to range, it’s the same thing as domain but just for the values of y. It’s the set of all possible real number values of y on the graph of a trigonometric function. So, again, some graphs impose limits on the values of y.

Now, there’s something asymptotes and this is lines where the graph of a trigonometric function approach but never actually reach so asymptotes exist for values of x and the graphs of tangent and cotangent and cosecant so I’m going to write here that they exist for tangent, cotangent, secant and cosecant. Now, the sine and cosines graphs do not have any asymptotes so that’s a look at domain, range and asymptotes.



by Mometrix Test Preparation | This Page Last Updated: March 2, 2022