Russia in the Middle Ages

During the Middle Ages, Russia had a complicated system of succession in which lands were constantly fought over, and it was unclear who was in charge. The Rurik Dynasty controlled Kievan Russia from 362-1240. Mongols invaded Russia from 1237-1240 and brought about the ultimate destruction of Kiev and the death of about half of Russia’s population. The State of the Golden Horde, formed by the Mongols, became the controlling force of Russia. The Grand Duchy of Moscow was the most powerful successor state to Kievan Russia. The princes of Moscow began to assert influence in Central Russia in the 1300s, slowly reuniting Russia’s lands and beginning Russian expansion. In 1380, the united Russian principalities won the Battle of Kulikovo. Ivan the Great defeated the Golden Horde’s control and consolidated control of all Central and Northern Russia. After Constantinople fell in 1483, Moscow claimed succession to the lands of the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire).

The Middle Ages: Russia


by Mometrix Test Preparation | This Page Last Updated: June 28, 2022