The Certified Clinical Transplant Nurse (CCTN) exam, administered by the American Board for Transplant Certification (ABTC), is a way for nurses to provide tangible proof of their skill and expertise in caring for acutely/critically ill adult patients.
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CCTN Eligibility
To be eligible for the exam, you must have at least 24 months of general RN experience with 12 months of transplant nurse experience.
CCTN Exam Outline
There are 175 multiple-choice questions on the exam, 25 of which are unscored, and you will be given a time limit of 3 hours. The unscored questions are used by the test administrators to evaluate questions for future versions of the exam.
The CCTN exam is split into six major content areas:
1. Pre-transplantation Care (13 scored questions)
The questions in this area are designed to assess your knowledge and skills in the following areas:
- Evaluating end-stage organ failure
- Monitoring a patient awaiting transplantation
- Providing education to a patient awaiting transplantation
- Providing support for psychosocial issues
- Prepare pretransplant patient for surgery
2. Care Immediately Post-transplantation (39 scored questions)
The questions in this area are designed to assess your knowledge and skills in the following areas:
- Evaluating objective criteria
- Monitoring laboratory results
- Assessing for complications, intervening, or evaluating response to intervention
- Caring for the living donor
3. Transplantation Management (39 scored questions)
The questions in this area are designed to assess your knowledge and skills in the following areas:
- Evaluating graft function
- Recognizing signs and symptoms of infections
- Infection control
- Monitoring for long-term complications
- Providing support for psychosocial issues
4. Pharmacological Therapeutics (26 scored questions)
The questions in this area are designed to assess your knowledge and skills in the following areas:
- Administering induction agents and immunosuppressive drugs
- Administering transplant-related non-immunosuppressive drugs
5. Education and Discharge (23 scored questions)
The questions in this area are designed to assess your knowledge and skills in the following areas:
- Discharging a recipient safely
- Ensuring the recipient understands the long-term care plan
6. Professional Responsibilities (10 scored questions)
The questions in this area are designed to assess your knowledge and skills in the following areas:
- Supporting transplantation practices and education
- Acting on ethical and legal issues
- Articulating advances in organ donation and transplantation
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Exam Registration
To register for the exam, you must create an online account with Certemy and submit an application. Your application must include the non-refundable $150 examination fee.
Once your application is approved, you will receive a confirmation email along with a nine-digit number. You will need this number to schedule your exam appointment with PSI. At this time, you will need to pay the exam fee of $75.
Test Day
On exam day, you should arrive 15-30 minutes early and be prepared to show a valid form of ID.
Before you take the exam, you will be asked to leave your cell phone, accessories, wallet, keys, and other personal items outside of the testing room. You will then be given a dry erase board or scratch paper and a pencil to take notes.
How the Exam is Scored
Your final CCTN score is determined using a scaled scoring method. This methods takes the number of questions you answered correctly, which is called your raw score, and converts it to a numerical scaled score. Your score will be reported as pass/fail on your score report, which you should receive before leaving the testing center.
Retaking the Exam
If you do not pass the exam, you may retake it after waiting a minimum of 90 days. You will need to reapply and pay the full examination fee for each retake.
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How many questions are on the CCTN exam?
There are 175 multiple-choice questions on the exam.
How long is the CCTN exam?
The time limit for the exam is 3 hours.
How much does the CCTN exam cost?
The application and examination fees total to $325.