TOP 8 Ways to Prevent Asthma Attacks

Asthma and Allergens

Asthma and Allergens

Over the next couple of minutes I just want to briefly go over the relationship between asthma and allergens, with this understanding in place: Basically, that if you’re going to help someone control their asthma then you must control and minimize as much as possible the source of allergens where allergens cannot be controlled or minimized, then you cannot control the asthma.

There is a high risk related to allergens and asthma attacks, where allergens can be diminished minimized or controlled then the asthma can be greatly dealt with and helped and the person who has the asthma has a much higher probability of not having asthma attacks and suffering debilitating effects from having asthma.

Controlling Animal Dander

We just want to go over some of the allergens and things that can be done to help control those allergens by removing them from the environment or minimizing them in the environment to help the person with asthma. We begin then with animal dander. The best way of course to deal with animal dander is to remove the animal from the environment.

Now, some people don’t want to entirely eliminate their pets. The next best thing to help control or minimize the amount of dander in the environment is to keep the pet out of the room of the person with asthma, so that the room that they spend the most time and certainly one that they sleep in the animal is not allowed into that room at all.

There are also other things products on the market that can help keep animal dander down, but it doesn’t completely eliminate it. Special shampoos, things like that. Anything you can do to minimize the animal dander if not completely eliminate by removing the animal from the home will help the patient and the person with asthma.

Next, air filters very important where possible to filter the air that’s coming into and out of the room so return air ducts with strong hypoallergenic air filters are strongly recommended, they can remove the pollen, dust and other things that contribute to asthma out of the air.

Filters in other ways as well perhaps in room filters that would provide a second layer of protection to try to filter out and remove the allergens in the direct environment of the person with asthma as much as possible. Next, dust mites. Major problem with allergies there which of course can trigger asthma attacks.

Battling Dust Mites

One of the best things you can do to help minimize and lower the potential for problems from dust mites is to encase pillows and mattresses in special hypoallergenic cases. They seal in the mattress and the pillow that can be zipped up and sealed and basically this helps prevent the dust mites and the contact between the person with asthma and the allergen producing dust mites.

Covers for beds and pillows. Next, carpet. Here, best case scenario is to remove the carpet from the environment. Get rid of all the carpet. It gets rid of the possible for allergens which greatly helps the person with asthma.

If getting rid of the carpet is not an option, then obviously you need to be regularly cleaning and shampooing it to make sure that possibility of allergens coming from the carpet made as minimal as possible. Best case scenario carpet’s removed, the next-best it’s cleaned/shampooed on a regular basis to help keep down the amount of allergens that would ordinarily be found there.

Environmental Factors

Next, humidity. Very important to keep the humidity in the home at less than 50 percent, less than 50 percent. A 50 percent and lower humidity level is important to keep mold and fungus from growing which of course major allergy causers there.

It even helps keep some of the insect infestations down to have lower humidity. Not all obviously but some. Along with that treating your home for insects, roaches, things like this that carry allergens extremely important. Doing all you can to minimize the growth of mold and fungus.

Once again keeping the humidity in the home 50 percent or lower is a great help in that regard and having your duct work cleaned on a fairly regular basis as well or at least checked to see that they aren’t growing some form of mold or fungus. Then finally, during certain times of the year or in certain geographical regions, pollen and smog are a real issue outside.

Where that is the case, regional pollen or geographical smog. Then on those days when the pollen is high, or the smog is particularly bad, keeping the person with asthma indoors, not letting them out into the environment where the strong allergens are present. All of these are critical to maintaining health for the person with asthma.

A better quality of life, fewer panic attacks and breathing attacks and breathing treatments and all that goes in with having asthma. As much as you can eliminate or minimize the allergens and things that tend to bring on an asthma attack, do so.

Minimizing or eliminating allergens, we’ve gone over several of those today and the things that you can do to help with those minimize or remove those allergens to help the person who has asthma.



by Mometrix Test Preparation | Last Updated: February 13, 2024