The Causes and Effects of Conflict

A conflict can be caused by a difference in the following: Values; Ideas; Perceptions; Priorities; as well as Organization. Conflicts can be intrapersonal, interpersonal, intragroup, intergroup, interdepartmental, as well as intercompany. These conflicts can cause anger, frustration, fear, or elation depending on the conflict that is occurring. There can be positives to conflict. Conflicts can create win-win situations. They can improve creativity, understanding, and motivation. They can also inspire a desire to improve among those involved in the conflict. There is also bad conflict. These bad conflicts can cause the following negative results: Hostility among the parties involved; A situation where both parties have lost something; A situation where only one party gains while others lose; as well as Causing decreased productivity among one or more parties.

The Causes and Effects of Conflict

Conflict occurs when mutually exclusive objectives and viewpoints come into contact with each other. I broke up the board into four quadrants, and in each quadrant, we’re going to explore a different area of conflict. First of all, why does conflict happen? It’s because of differences; differences in values, ideas, differences in perceptions, as well as differences in priorities, and organizational structure.

Ok, now let’s take a look at what kind of groups conflict occurs within. First of all, conflict can be intrapersonal, which is within one person (so I’m just going to put one person right here.) Then there’s interpersonal conflict, which is between two people. Then you also have intragroup conflict, which is within a group. As well as intergroup conflict, which is between two or more groups.

Then finally, you have interdepartmental and intercompany, which are pretty self-explanatory. An interdepartmental conflict is between departments, and an intercompany conflict is between companies. Ok, so what’s the result of conflict when it happens? Conflict results in outbursts of anger, frustration, fear, and elation.

So far, we’ve looked at what causes conflict—it’s differences in different areas. Then the groups which conflict can occur within, and then the results of conflict. Finally, what are the consequences of conflict? Because there can be positive conflict and negative conflict (so I’m going to split this fourth quadrant into two sections.

On this side, we’re going to put positive conflict; and on this side, we’re going to put the results of negative conflict). Positive conflict results in win-win situations, and also results in creative ideas, better understanding, motivation, as well as desire to improve.

Now how about the results of negative conflict? The results of negative conflict are not good, as you would imagine. The results are hostility, lose-lose outcomes, and win-lose outcomes, as well as decreased productivity. In thinking about conflict, remember that it’s when mutually exclusive objectives and viewpoints come into play with each other, so it’s basically differences.

Then, think about the different groups that conflict can occur within. Intrapersonal, interpersonal, intragroup, intergroup, interdepartmental, and intercompany. Ok, and then remember the results of conflict are anger, frustration, fear, and elation—outbursts of those things. Then finally, the results of positive conflict are win-win situations, creativity, increased understanding, increased motivation, and a desire to improve. Then the results of negative conflict are hostility, lose-lose outcomes, win-lose outcomes, and decreased productivity.



by Mometrix Test Preparation | This Page Last Updated: March 3, 2022