Mometrix College Scholarships
2025 Mometrix College Scholarships
We all have dreams of things we want to do and who we want to be. We want to help you get there.
Mometrix Test Preparation is The World's #1 Test Preparation Company because we offer the world's largest variety of study guides, flashcards, online courses, and more. What we care about more than anything else, however, is helping people just like you reach your dreams. While our primary way of doing this is through our vast catalog of free and premium study content, we've also hosted scholarship contests for each of the last five years, awarding college and graduate students nearly $40,000 in scholarship money during that time.
Our most popular and longest-running contest of the bunch is our Mometrix College Scholarship.
How Do I Apply for the Mometrix College Scholarship?
To enter, simply tell us a little bit about yourself and your plans for college.
Prizes for first, second, and third place are as follows:
- First place - $1,000 scholarship
- Second place - $500 scholarship
- Third place - Choice of one of the following: three-month subscription to one of our online courses -OR- one of our famous Secrets Study Guides and a Flashcard Study System of your choice.
Entries must be submitted using the link below.
We will begin accepting submissions on or before Friday, February 7, 2025, and will do so until the window closes at 2:00 pm CST on Friday, May 23, 2025.
If you would like to learn more about one of the other ways we seek to create and mobilize "prep that empowers", check out our 'buy-one-give-one' initiative to put GED study courses in the hands of those who need them most.