A woman in a red shirt smiles beside text that reads, "How Melanie Got an 81 on Her TEAS 7 Test.

How Melanie Got an 81 on Her TEAS 7 Test

Melanie was ready to begin her nursing school journey, but first, she had to make it in. That meant studying for the TEAS.

Like most pre-nursing students, she was under immense pressure to get a high score and had a lot of anxiety about it. She had to make sure she studied the right way, so Melanie began looking into test prep materials to see what the best option was.

“I actually did my research. I didn’t just jump in and say ‘Oh, this one looks good.’”

And what better way to find what works than through others who have already been there?

“There were some nursing students in the parking lot, so I went up to them and asked them, ‘What do you guys recommend for the TEAS?’ and they told me, ‘Do you know the Mometrix yellow book? You should definitely study that one.’”

Let the Studying Begin

So Melanie bought the Mometrix TEAS 7 Secrets Study Guide. But she didn’t stop there. Having different ways to study is always better, and she learned well with a hands-on approach. Melanie found that Mometrix also had a TEAS 7 Online Course that gave her access to tons of full-length practice tests, flashcards, and videos to help her understand the topics.

Armed with her Mometrix test prep, she studied for an entire month straight. As she studied, Melanie became more confident in her knowledge of anatomy.

“In an anatomy class, they can only teach you so many things, so I feel like there were a lot of things that we did not touch upon.” 

Her anatomy professors often told her to memorize different facts but didn’t explain why they were important. Mometrix helped explain the “why” for her with thorough answer explanations for each practice question.

The Dreaded Exam Day

Finally, the time had come for her to take her exam. She was confident in her studying, but once the exam was over, her confidence quickly turned to dread. What score did she get? Was all her studying for nothing? Melanie anxiously waited for her score to load. The minutes felt like hours. Much to Melanie’s relief, she got a well-deserved 81%! 

 “I was actually like, ‘Oh my God, I got an 81!’”

All her hard work had paid off.

Flashing forward, Melanie is now finishing up her first semester of her nursing program! And while her nursing program is hard, there was no better way to prepare her than Mometrix and our thorough explanations of topics.

“That’s how nursing school is; you need a rationale toward everything. Mometrix tells you WHY that is the right answer. I feel like that is very helpful.”

Want a Little Advice From Melanie?

“I feel like if I would have studied for a longer period of time and taken the time to explore the whole program, I would have definitely done better.”

Once Melanie was in her nursing program, she met a friend who studied using Mometrix and did extremely well on her TEAS exam.

“She got an 85% on it. She took three months to study. I feel like it is a very well-equipped program if you take your time on it.”

She definitely recommends following what her friend did if you want to succeed on your exam.

“It is honestly not a really hard program to navigate around. It’s very clear. It’s very fast. I really enjoyed the program. If there was something like that for nursing school, that would be so much easier!”

If you want to learn more about the TEAS prep Melanie used, click here!


Published by

Jay Willis

Jay Willis joined Mometrix as Vice President of Sales in 2009, and has developed several key strategic relationships that have enhanced the distribution of Mometrix products. With nearly 20 years of sales experience in the publishing industry, his dedication to providing the highest quality experience for customers, coupled with his sales and marketing expertise, has resulted in significant growth of the Institutional Sales division. Learn more