Two people are organizing school supplies on a table. Text overlay reads, "When is the Best Time to Apply for Teaching Jobs?.

When is the Best Time to Apply for Teaching Jobs?

Are you looking to find a job as a teacher and wondering when is the right time to apply? Understanding the timeline that schools follow when hiring will help make it easier to seamlessly navigate the process. 

Although it is possible to find a teaching job at any time of year, the majority of teachers are hired in the late spring or summer months.

Here is a breakdown of the hiring timeline:


  • Job openings for the upcoming school year will start being posted during this time. If you’d like to secure a position early, this is a good time to start looking.


  • This is one of the best times to apply for teaching jobs, as many openings are posted during the spring. Job fairs are often held during this time, which are a great opportunity to network and learn more about schools you might like to teach at. You may even be able to get on a contact list so you can be notified when the school starts hiring. Interviews are frequently held after spring break.


  • Early summer is also a great time to look for a teaching job, as schools will now have a very clear idea of their hiring needs and will continue posting new vacancies. Interviews are often held in late summer when administrators return from their summer break.


  • If you still haven’t secured a position at this point, don’t panic! It’s not uncommon for schools to hire many of their new teachers within the last few weeks leading up to the beginning of the school year. If last minute jobs open up, administrators will be looking to fill them as quickly as possible, so it’s important to act fast if an opportunity arises.


  • At this point, all schools are back in session and have taken an official count of students for that school year. If there are more students than the school previously anticipated, they will hire teachers for immediate start during this time. Be prepared to respond quickly if you see an opening you’re interested in.


  • Late fall and winter are the toughest months to find a teaching job, but there may be a few openings in the event that any teachers decide not to return after winter break. You may want to consider finding a temporary job during this time and plan to start applying in early spring. You can also use these months to get a better idea of what schools you’d like to work at, polish your resume, and determine who your references will be.

Other alternatives to consider:

    • If you aren’t having success in finding a full-time teaching position, be on the lookout for opportunities to substitute teach. Becoming a long-term sub can put you in a good position to be offered a permanent job the following school year. It’s also a great opportunity to determine whether a school is a good fit for you before making a long-term commitment to teach there. 
    • Similarly, you can also look into paraprofessional positions as an alternative to teaching. Paraprofessionals assist teachers in managing their classrooms, provide students with one-on-one guidance, and help with grading homework and tests. Some also specialize in working with students who have disabilities. This is another good opportunity to gain classroom experience and be considered for a teaching job with the school in the future.

You may need to pass the ParaPro Assessment to qualify for one of these jobs. An online prep course for this exam is available here.

Test Prep Resources: ParaPro practice test, Praxis practice tests, GRE test